Block Island needs to drop the car culture and stop treating transportation as it is treated on the mainland. This is one place you don’t need a car. Drop zoning requirements that demand parking.
A shuttle would be a wonderful addition!!! Perhaps the second most popular question (#1 being how far are you from the ferry) is "how close is the beach/how do I get there?
Our tenants primarily bring their own cars unless they are very close to beach and town. We discourage moped rentals.
All moped renters should be given a free map showing which roads they can and which they CAN NOT ride on. Town regulations/ordinances, rules of the road & other helpful info could be included on the back.
I don’t think a shuttle should be free. I also think it should travel to both light houses. One shuttle to Town-beach-northlight-SE light-town. Another shuttle to new harbor-beach-old Harbor-new Harbor.
I would love to see a shuttle service to all major points of interest on the Island. $1.00 per person & an option to purchase a day pass to get on and off as the shuttle continues to travel around the Island. The shuttle could run all day, 8:00 - 8:00 during the peak summer times.
While I understand the concerns around mopeds & too many cars. The problems I had this summer were related to ALCOHOL, in both cases excess at Ballards. I had 1 group of young people who rented mopeds and likely used them irresponsibly, but soberly. I had several couples rent 1 moped as means of transportation versus a car. Taxi's were scarce this summer. Alcohol is a far greater problem here than mopeds. From a sustainability and pollution standpoint people bringing cars are an issue. Is there a way to limit/control that? Alcohol is still the biggest problem. Thank you for doing this survey.
Very in favor of shuttle/bus/jitney services !!! For many reasons ... less congestion in town, less huge car emissions, less need for parking.
I am located very close to town and do not offer vehicle parking during the high season as my parking area is not large enough to accommodate many vehicles and I actively discourage visitors to bring cars as we have enough cars on island. I wish we had a jitney to take visitors to points of interest or drop them off at beaches. I think this would help decrease congestion downtown and elsewhere.